Yoni Steams

Yoni Steam is an ancient and sacred holistic remedy. It’s a profound and healing ceremony for every woman and her line of descent. V-steam treatments work on physical, emotional and energetic levels. The specially made per your needs herb-infused steam, will help clear, balance and rejuvenate the entire pelvic bowl.

Yoni Steam is an ancient and sacred holistic remedy. It’s profound and healing ceremony for every woman and her line of descent. V-steam treatments work on physical, emotional and energetic levels. The specially made per your needs herb-infused steam, will help clear, balance and rejuvenate the entire pelvic bowl. Some of the most magical benefits of regular v-steam practice are: boost fertility, balance and regulate hormones, purification of the entire pelvic bowl, pain-free period, postpartum recovery connection to creator-womb and awaken your feminine energy, toning uterus, increases blood, flow and sensitivity.
We will create a healing space with/for you and hold safe grounds for you to release trauma and connect with your own divinity.

What conditions are indicated for V-steam:
Fibroids, painful menstruation, uterine prolapse, irregular cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, postpartum (especially c-section recovery after 6 weeks), bladder and vaginal infections, infertility, scar tissue, menopause and more!

What conditions are contraindicated for V-steam:
Pregnancy, IUD, internal infections, open sores and blisters, period time.

Yoni Steam

Duration 75min./Price BGN 88


Balances sex hormones

Steam with appropriate herbs will harmonize your body.

Increased fertility

Balanced hormones and a purified reproductive system guarantee fertility.

Fast and good recovery after childbirth

Herbal steam helps to comb and tighten the tissues.


Frequently asked questions

No, maybe before or after, but not during bleeding.

Depending on your intention, it may be appropriate before a period to help activate a good cleanse, during ovulation if you wish to conceive, or at any other time, excluding days of menstruation.

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