Pelvic Floor and Core Program
This program is for the most amazing creatures on planet earth – The Women. You deserve it! Start the change today with this specialized 7-day course that includes:
- A combination of yoga, pilates and physiotherapy exercises
- Meditations on the first 3 chakras
- 7-day program with Ayurvedic nutrition
- Healthy recipes
- Lifetime access
- The program is in English
What does the course consist of?
Each day will consist of approximately 25 minutes of practice that will gradually become more challenging as you build your strength and stability. This practice will be a mixture of yoga, pilates and physical therapy. You will learn specific therapeutic movements and exercises to safely reconnect with your deep abdominal muscles, strengthen your core, and stabilize your pelvis and spine.
You will learn some basic yoga poses and important yogic breathing techniques that are specific to the pelvic floor and abdomen.
This program can help tremendously with sciatic nerve pain and sacroiliac instability, recovery from diastasis recti or abdominal separation, c-section, pelvic floor prolapse and much more.
I’d love for you to really dive deep into this journey, so I’m also including 3 audio chakra meditations. We will work with the first 3 chakras – all deeply connected to our pelvic bowl and core.
Who is this course suitable for?
Get in shape!
I want to lose weight and tighten my belly
Postnatal care
I want to recover quickly after giving birth
Release stress
I want mental peace
Tighten your core and pelvic floor
Say “goodbye” to lower back pain, tired legs, sneezing and peeing. Feel confident and blissful!
Improved flexibility, stamina and energy
You will be able to jump, squat, run and dance without pain.
За Веси 🙂 С две ръце, два крака и всички мускулчета и стави препоръчвам тези две ръце на Веси! Запознанството ни?Буквално не можех да ходя и отчаяно търсех правилният човек и го намерих! Започнахме масажи, индивидуална гимнастика, йога и с постоянство, резултатите не закъсняха ...за което съм много горда, но с упоритост и правилният съветник до теб, чудесата се случват!А практиките й, които са колкото зареждащи толкова и разтоварващи...тръгваш си презареден,буден, кръвта в тялото ти се събужда ...и така опитайте и вижте дали е вашето, струва си поне да опитате!Все пак всичко зависи от нас самите и нашият избор, затова да се чувстваме добре в тялото и кожата ни !
I’m so grateful for having found Vesela. I was a complete beginner to yoga and naturally apprehensive about starting. Vesela is all I could ask for and more in a yoga instructor - knowledgable, calm, patient, energetic and empowering. Her knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is truly impressive - she’s deeply interested in the human body and how it works. In her work she focuses on both the outer body and the inner, mental and spiritual states; the way they come together harmoniously. Vesela works according to your specific needs and how your body feels on a given day: whether you need targeted pain or tension relief; more/less movement; more/less stretching, or whether you’d like to focus more on the mind and breathing. She works WITH you and encourages you to be aware of your body’s needs. I always leave our yoga sessions feeling better because of her warm and uplifting energy.
Срещнах Весела преди една година и оттогава имам в живота си не само повече и по-хубава енергия, но и още един приятел. Всичко, с което тя се занимава, е чисто, светло, красиво и...дишащо. Практикувам йога отдавна, но за първи път някой ми обърна толкова сериозно внимание на всяка брънка от тялото ми и какво се случва с него. Специално ин йога практика посетих за първи път при Веси и през тази година съм пропуснала сигурно общо 5 пъти - невероятен релакс за тялото и ума; велико усещане да мислиш на 100% за себе си и да усещаш, че правиш нещо за душата си. Масажите също са тотално различни, тъй като Веси не е само масажист с изкаран курс, а медицински и анатомично подготвен перфектно специалист. Препоръчвам да се докоснете до всичко, с което тя се занимава и да си намерите най-приятното за вас. Благодаря ти, скъпа Веси!
For Vesi 🙂 With two arms, two legs and all the muscles and joints, I recommend these two hands to Vesi! How we met? I literally couldn't walk and I was desperately looking for the right person and I found him! We started massages, individual gymnastics, yoga, and with persistence, the results were not long in coming ... for which I am very proud, but with persistence and the right advisor next to you, miracles happen! And her practices, which are as energizing as they are relieving... you leave recharged, awake, the blood in your body wakes try it and see if it's yours, it's worth at least a try! Still, it all depends on ourselves and our choices, so feel good in your body and skin us!
I’m so grateful for having found Vesela. I was a complete beginner to yoga and naturally apprehensive about starting. Vesela is all I could ask for and more in a yoga instructor - knowledgable, calm, patient, energetic and empowering. Her knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is truly impressive - she’s deeply interested in the human body and how it works. In her work she focuses on both the outer body and the inner, mental and spiritual states; the way they come together harmoniously. Vesela works according to your specific needs and how your body feels on a given day: whether you need targeted pain or tension relief; more/less movement; more/less stretching, or whether you’d like to focus more on the mind and breathing. She works WITH you and encourages you to be aware of your body’s needs. I always leave our yoga sessions feeling better because of her warm and uplifting energy.
I met Vesela a year ago and since then I have not only more and better energy in my life, but also another friend. Everything she does is clean, bright, beautiful and...breathable. I have been practicing yoga for a long time, but for the first time someone paid such serious attention to every link of my body and what was happening to it. I specifically visited a yoga practice for the first time at Vesi's and during this year I must have missed a total of 5 times - incredible relaxation for the body and mind; great feeling to think 100% for yourself and feel that you are doing something for your soul.The massages are also totally different, as Vesi is not only a seasoned massage therapist, but a medically and anatomically perfectly prepared specialist. I recommend that you try everything she does and find what works best for you. Thank you dear Vessie!
Frequently Asked Questions
Every day, or whenever you find time. You won’t hurt yourself
The program is designed so that each day the course becomes a little more challenging. Day 1 is the easiest, while day 7 is the hardest. If you feel that your body is not ready, just repeat the exercises from the easier day for you.
Strengthen your core and pelvic floor program
Get your access now
- A combination of yoga, pilates and physiotherapy exercises
- Meditations on the first 3 chakras
- 7-day program with Ayurvedic nutrition
- Healthy recipes
- Lifetime access
- The program is in English